Current Domestic Violence Projects

None at this time.

Past Domestic Violence Projects

Men's Domestic Abuse Check-Up Project

    PI:Lyungai Mbilinyi
    Co-PI: Denise Walker
    Co-Is: Roger Roffman, Clayton Neighbors, Diane Morrison
    Clinical Director: and Joan Zegree

    Funding Source: National Institutes on Drug Abuse Grant No. 2R01DA017873-04A2.

    Start/End Dates: September 2009 through August 2012.


    The Men's Domestic Abuse Check-Up is a research project for adult males who are concerned about their behaviors toward their partner, and their use of alcohol or drugs. This will be 2nd study of it's kind.


Men's Domestic Abuse Check-Up Project

    PI: Roger Roffman
    Co-PI: Jeffrey Edleson, University of Minnesota
    Co-Investigator: Clayton Neighbors
    Project Director: Lyungai Mbilinyi
    Clinical Directors: Denise Walker and Joan Zegree

    Funding Source: National Institutes on Drug Abuse Grant No. 1 RO 1 DA017873-o1A1.

    Start/End Dates: October 2005 through June 2008.


    The Men's Domestic Abuse Check-Up was a research project for adult males who were concerned about their behaviors toward their partner, and their use of alcohol or drugs. Please click here for the key findings of this project.



909 NE 43rd St #304, Seattle, WA 98105 Phone: 206-543-7511 Fax: 206-685-8739